Aviation Cybersecurity among the EASA research topics
Aviation cybersecurity is among the main research topics presented by EASA (the European Union Aviation Safety Agency), in the newly issued ‘EASA Research Agenda 2022-2024’.
The EASA Research Agenda aims to support the development of new safety and security management concepts and gain knowledge on related products and tech, while increasing safety level.
As part of the main security research topics specified by EASA, assessing the safety impact of cybersecurity threats to aviation users and supporting the development of mitigation measures and specific training actions, are considered targeted research. In addition, EASA will target the development of a vulnerability database.
Cyviation’s holistic fleet cyber risk assessment platform, provides airlines and aircraft manufacturers with access to their aircraft vulnerabilities database based on Cyviation’s extensive research, while assessing the risk level and providing mitigation processes. To book a platform demo, contact us at contact@cyviation.aero
To download the full EASA document, click here.